Asthma Workout Plan for Endurance Athletes (My top tips as an ultra marathon runner with asthma) Jul 24, 2024

Asthma can often feel like a roadblock for those wanting to engage in physical activities, but with the right approach, it doesn't have to be. In this blog post, as an ultra-marathon runner and endurance athlete with asthma, I  delve into an asthma-friendly workout plan....

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Macro vs. Micro Nutrients for Optimal Athletic Performance (with asthma) Jun 19, 2024

When it comes to nutrition, especially in the realm of sports and athletics, understanding the distinction between macronutrients and micronutrients is crucial. Both play significant roles in overall health and performance, but they do so in different ways. In this blog, we'll...

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How to Increase Lung Capacity for Running with Asthma Jun 13, 2024

When I first started running, I was deeply concerned about my lung capacity due to my asthma. Whether you have asthma or not, you might wonder how to get more oxygen to your body, avoid fatigue, and prevent that feeling of gasping for air during those long or fast runs. As an ultra athlete with...

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Running with Asthma (5 tips for running successfully with asthma) May 08, 2024

Asthma can be a challenging condition, especially when it comes to physical activities like running. Whether you were diagnosed with asthma as a child or it crept up on you later in life, the thought of running, let alone becoming an ultra-athlete (running more than a marathon in 1 day), might...

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Best types of runs to do with asthma (my absolute favorites!) May 01, 2024

Setting out for a run with asthma might seem daunting. It's not just about lacing up and hitting the pavement; it's about choosing runs that align with your health needs and fitness goals. Today, I want to share the three types of runs that have been pivotal not only in boosting my endurance for...

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Can asthma go away with exercise? (what you need to know) Apr 24, 2024

Growing up, the notion that asthma could be anything other than a lifelong limitation seemed far-fetched. As a child, I was often sidelined during physical activities—marathons and soccer games were spectacles I could only watch, not participate in. This narrative, however, didn't hold....

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How to lose weight with asthma (safe weight loss strategies for asthma sufferers) Apr 17, 2024

Living with asthma presents unique hurdles, particularly when you’re trying to shed pounds. The challenge of participating in cardiovascular exercises, alongside the anxiety of aggravating asthma symptoms, can make the path to weight loss feel overwhelming. Yet, it's entirely feasible to...

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My 3 Favorite Nutritious Dinners (that are easy to make) Apr 10, 2024

As an entrepreneur running two businesses, eLearning Partners, and Jonny Havey, LLC (currently known as Athlete with Asthma), and being a professional athlete with asthma makes my professional life pretty busy. Despite that, I am extremely passionate about health, wellness and fitness....

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5x Favorite Protein Powders (as an Athlete with Asthma) Apr 02, 2024

As an athlete with asthma, navigating the complex world of nutrition and the lack of protein eaten in America is crucial not only for my performance but also for excelling with asthma. It is baffling to me how undernourished I was for years with protein in my diet, no fault of anyone or even my...

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My 3 Favorite Nutritious Lunches (that are easy to make!) Mar 25, 2024

I am both an athlete with asthma and a busy business owner, not just running one, but two businesses! Therefore, I need to have healthy and nutritious lunch options available to me at all times. Otherwise, just like other busy business owners it can be super easy to default to either not eating...

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4 Favorite Protein Shakes (for a busy business owner) Mar 17, 2024

As an athlete with asthma and the owner of two businesses, I don't always have very much time to make sure that I am getting the nutrition that I need. Over the years I have learned though, that no matter how busy I get, nutrition is not negotiable because without health what do we have?...

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My 8 Favorite Exercises (asthma doesn't stop me from doing) Mar 09, 2024

As someone who has navigated life as an athlete with asthma, I'm excited to share my favorite exercises and how they've shaped my fitness journey. While I'm not a healthcare professional, these activities have been instrumental in my life.

Yoga Sculpt = Vinyasa Yoga +...

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